Quote by Wayne Gretzky on discovering your strengths

A quote by Wayne Gretzky on discovering your strengths is the topic of this blog post.

“I couldn’t beat people with my strength; I don’t have a hard shot; I’m not the quickest skater in the league. My eyes and my mind have to do most of the work.” Wayne Gretzky

“This quote by hockey legend Wayne Gretzky also known as the Great One epitomizes the importance of working with what you have.  That is what he did and the rest is sports history. Instead of lamenting that he did not have enough strength, or a hard shot or that he was a really fast skater he worked with what he had and in the process discovered his strengths.  Anyone who works with what they have and keeps at it will soon discover their strengths which set them apart from others. And that is one of the keys to success that anyone can use. I know from my own life that once I started working with what I had instead of complaining about what I did not have my life started changing for the better.” Stan Burman

About Stan Burman.

Stan Burman is an entrepreneur and freelance paralegal who has worked in California and Federal litigation since 1995 and relocated to Asia several years ago by taking to heart some of the useful quotations posted on this blog. He has created over 300 sample legal documents for California and Federal litigation which can be viewed at http://www.scribd.com/LegalDocsPro

Visit his website at http://legaldocspro.net and his legal blog at http://legaldocspro.net/blog

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