Quote by Voltaire on faith

A quote by Voltaire on faith is the topic of this blog post.

“Faith consists in believing when it is beyond the power of reason to believe.” Voltaire

“This is an excellent quote by Voltaire. Faith can move mountains as shown by the many people throughout history who stood by their faith when many people would have given up and achieved remarkable feats that the great majority of people thought impossible. I know from my own life experiences that it can be very hard during stressful times to maintain your faith but I also know that keeping your faith when others would give up has a big payoff if you know how to stick with it, and if you keep your faith wisely. Do not have faith in the wrong idea or person but have faith that you will be able to achieve the highest level of success possible.” Stan Burman

Stan Burman is an entrepreneur and freelance paralegal who has worked in California and Federal litigation since 1995 and relocated to the Philippines several years ago by taking to heart some of the useful quotations posted on this blog.  He has created over 255 sample legal documents for California and Federal litigation which can be viewed at https://www.scribd.com/LegalDocsPro

Visit his websites at http://www.legaldocspro.net or http://www.legaldocspro.com

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